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diciembre 15, 2022

What You Need to Know About Colorado FAMLI

Disclaimer: Please know that MLJ is not a tax advisor or a payroll specialist. Information provided is only based on information that is available from the state and insurers. Please consult with your other trusted advisors for payroll and tax advice. If you run a business, you have heard about the new Colorado Employee Leave […]
julio 25, 2022

Welcome to Our New Website

Our dedicated staff of insurance professionals are here to assist you in securing a life insurance policy to protect you and your loved ones for years to come. With a vast knowledge of our many carriers, we are equipped to shop for the best policy to suit your needs. Our job is to help you […]
marzo 15, 2022

Life Changes; What Changes Trigger a Special Enrollment Period – Medicare

Medicare also offers opportunities for you to take advantage of life changes during what are called Special Enrollment Periods (SEPs). Following is a list of changes: 1. You change where you live. 2. You lose your current coverage. 3. You have a chance to get other coverage. 4. Your plan changes it contract with Medicare. 5. You become eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. 6. You qualify for Extra Help through a Medicare Drug Prescription Program. 7. You enroll in ...

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febrero 9, 2022

Life Changes: When & How to Let Your Health Insurer Know – Individual Plans

Special Enrollment Period is a time outside the yearly Open Enrollment Period when you can sign up for health insurance. This is the first article in a series about this period depending on the type of health insurance you have. This article is for those who are covered by Individual Plans. In the future, we will add to the series by exploring when you are in an Employer-Sponsored Plan and Medicare. You must experience a big life-changing situation to qualify ...

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enero 12, 2022

Mental Health Wellness After a Disaster

Our community has recently experienced a devasting event with the Marshall and Middle Fork fires. We all react to such unplanned events in different ways and at different times. It is important that we take care, not only of our physical well-being, but our emotional and mental well-being as well. Being aware of what this may entail is the first step in helping the victims. The Colorado wildfires created a swift and dramatic loss of property and possessions creating an ...

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diciembre 17, 2021

How Agents Can Help with Medicare Plan Choices

Medicare recipients have more plan choices than ever before, including private plans. Medicare options can be very complicated because of the many moving pieces. We commonly divide Medicare decision-making in to the following three action items: Determining if you are eligible and the options available to you Choosing benefit formation and selecting a plan or plans. For example, should you take advantage of a Medicare Advantage private plan or choose a Traditional Medicare plan combined with supplements? This can greatly ...

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noviembre 19, 2021

Is Two Better Than One?

When it comes to Flexible Savings Accounts (FSA), the answer to whether it is advantageous to have more than one account per family has a lot to do with how they are set up and how you use them. Here are some pointers that may help you decide if this is a good option for your family or not. An FSA lets you apply tax-free dollars toward medical expenses. Therefore, it makes sense for everyone in the family to take ...

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mayo 13, 2021

Remain Focused on Your Business – Let MLJ Find the Best Coverage for Your Business

If you run a business without a doubt, you are familiar with juggling business obligations and needs for your employees. At times it may feel like there is not enough time to give the needed attention to make sure that the people who keep your business running are taken care of. And, yes, this includes yourself and your family. Under the Affordable Care Act, it is required that all employers with more than 50 employees must offer health insurance that ...

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abril 22, 2021

Hospitals Must Post Prices Online

You can now “shop around” for the best deal for your next planned hospital procedure. Beginning in 2021, hospitals must publicly post their standard charges online. This enables the patient to know how much some planned procedures will cost. You may even be able to shop around for a better price. Hospitals must now post payer-specific negotiated charges, the amount the hospital will accept in cash for an item or service, and the minimum and maximum negotiated rates for 300 ...

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febrero 4, 2021

How to Get the Most Out of Your Health Savings Account

MLJ Financial Services, LLC dba MLJ Insurance is not a tax advisor. The points provided are a service to the general public and are not intended to be tax advice. Anyone seeking specific tax advice should discuss such points with a tax advisor. What is a Health Savings Account? A Health Savings Account (HSA) enables you to set money aside on a pre-tax basis to pay for qualified medical expenses. What designates a qualified medical expense that I can pay ...

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